Monday, March 15, 2010

Tick Tock

Mid-way through March and this image keeps whizzing through my brain. In exactly 3-months, life as I know it will change radically. Whether it's a smaller degree of radical-ness or the big whopping dose of exciting, its definitely going to be different...and I'm feeling a bit of the choke.

The impending changes have given me the benefit of a shift in perspective. Now I'm appreciating all that I have. Sunday lounging by the pool. Crossing the street to buy groceries or browse at the bookstore. My lovely gold Nissan with the free petrol. A little extra cash to buy those RM70 Esprit jeans from the Queen's Park Factory Outlet like I did yesterday. Those are just what I'll miss with that small change that will definitely happen.

What about the bigger change? There will be more than just the above to miss. Looking back at what I've written on this blog in the last 3 years, I realized that I spent more time blogging about my travels than the things I appreciate about the city that has become my second home. Plus there's so much more left to do. I'm just waiting for the signal to start doing them now.

But as one of my friends said over dinner the other night, why wait for the signal? Just do everything now! He's right...time to putting together that list of things I want to do, and checking them off one by one.

Photo courtesy of:

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