Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Visit to the friendly neighborhood manghuhula

Hello. My name is Sheila, and I'm a fortuneteller-holic.

Granted, that may not be the correct term for someone who makes it a point to see a fortuneteller at least once a year, but its a tad more than those who totally disavow fortunetelling due to moral or "i don't believe in that nonsense" types of reasons. Not that I do believe in fortunetelling--- honestly it appeals to my vanity more than anything. You pay someone to tell you about yourself for about an hour, so its almost like getting pampered by a visit to the hairstylist or the spa. If the good stuff comes true, then that's great! If you get dire warnings about your fate, well, you can never be too careful anyway. I still carry that anting-anting that helps me avoid unfortunate air travel incidents, given to me by yet another fortuneteller about 2 years ago. So far, its worked, hahaha.

My friendly Timog-residing fortuneteller Tara seems to be more on the nose about me than others I've visited. Perhaps I also felt overwhelming acceptance of her reading because she seems to envision so much money and luck showering on me down the line. But then her cards just unify a theme I heard earlier this year from another seer (ok ok this is my 2nd trip down future lane). The message is: Don't worry. You're going to get what you want in life.

An arrogant stance towards life, many might say, but who doesn't need that boost of confidence now and then? Especially during days when one feels so tired, or times when you're simply just down with the blues. So in defense of the entire crystal-ball experience, not only is it entertaining, it builds character too!

Ok enough, enough, I just actually wanted to write down this entry to remember what she said, and see if anything does come true someday. Here goes:
1. I'm very intimidating person. Even people who don't have bad intentions towards me get intimidated. Geez I wonder how she figured that out--- I hadn't opened my big trap to her THAT much yet.
2. I should beware of people who envy what I have, since I have so much. I seem to attract "inggiteras". Hmm, are they envious of my 6 dogs? I'm willing to give them away, since they're just too much!
3. Before the end of the month, I'll be getting some extra cash that starts with an "odd" number--- 1,3,5,7, or 9. This is beyond my regular income. Funny enough I'm hoping for something like this, but not expecting. Oh no. Now I'm expecting.
4. September will be my best month this year in ALL aspects of my life.
5. I'll make a good personal decision about my (love)life this year, and its something I won't regret.
6. Relatives from abroad will visit me this year for a happy occasion. Considering I hardly have relatives, I wait for the fulfillment of this one with bated breath.
7. I'll be taking a short trip, and a long trip soon. The long trip I may decide to delay til next year but it will happen within the year. Now the short trips are too be expected, but the long trip? Could that be my best friend's wedding? Funny enough I was deciding whether I should go this year or next.
8. I work hard for it, but I shouldn't worry because I'll never run out of money. Oooh time to break out the credit cards--- I'm kidding!
9. Level Up will be successful..beyond my wildest expectations. How fab!
10. Soon after my long trip, I'll get an offer I won't be able to refuse that will prompt me to live abroad even if its not in my plans right now. Paris here I come.
11. I've weathered 2 storms in my life, and the people who caused those storms are drowning in karma. Not exactly sure what this refers to, but a nice thought (although I supposedly have never wished anything bad on people who've done me wrong--- also a nice thought.)
12. If I were to list down 10 things I wanted to do with my life, I'd be able to accomplish 7 of them within the next 2 years (up to June 2006). Again, a very positive thought. Time to start listing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did it come true?