Thursday, October 07, 2004


"People think dreams aren't real because they aren'y made of matter, or particles. Dreams are REAL. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes..."

- Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" Vol. V

Just the other day my childhood friend popped up from nowhere and told me she had a clear and vivid dream about me. I haven't been able to talk to her yet but I do wonder what it was about. Sometimes I believe that dreams are prophetic. Or they reverse the prophecy (what you dream about won't happen!). Its amazing how dreams work. How they take something buried in your subconscious or floating around in your head and turn it into full-blown technicolor imagery. Or at least my dreams are full-color and surround sound. When I hear about people who dream in black and white or don't dream at all, I think they must be missing a lot. There are time I get so involved in my dreams I find it hard to wake up. Especially that one with the full romantic moon and that guy...

Oh, the other week I dreamt we entered Ragnarok into the Anvil and Agora awards. Its funny how dreams reminds us of things sometimes. I started looking up the PRSP and PMA sites. I think we have a fighting chance next year. And I've always dreamt of winning an industry award.

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