Wednesday, March 01, 2006


This is a long overdue response to a tag by my sister, and my inspiration for the items below is an original list from my journal written many years ago when I someone told me that the key to finding The One was writing down the specific things you want in Mr Right. So dutifully followed instructions and it hasn't exactly been effective.:P But comparing my old list to the new one makes me realize how much my understanding of what I want in my life and for myself has improved greatly. And if this is what all this time helped me to achieve, then its definitely worth the wait.

Eight different points of my perfect lover:

1. Free-spirited and fun. No prophets of doom please or whiners please.
2. Responsible and able to take care of himself. Being able to take care of me is just a plus, not a necessity.
3. Smart. Genius IQ is not a requirement, but street smart and able to keep up a conversation is extremely acceptable.
4. Respectful. Of himself, of me, and of others around us.
5. An equal. I don't mean in status, but in being able to give as much as he can get from me.
6. With an ability to share, both his life with mine and mine with his. I can't live in a compartment.
7. Decisive. If he's decided to stick with me, he should!
8. Able to recognize me right away. Of course this is a shot at the moon...but one can only hope!

Ok that last part of the list was getting tough. So I'm sure this stands for more improvement. But anyway I'm also going to follow the rest of the tag:

Sex of the target (?!): Straight Male

Eight people I'm tagging: All non-bloggers, but they deserve to think about it too--- Tricia, Marj, Gigi, Ainee...and I can't think of any more., you, you and YOU.

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