Tuesday, June 30, 2009

5 Months

After being gone from this space for over 5 months, its hard to figure out where to start. I've thought about blogging my amazing trips, but I have to recall my mental notes on every place which although enjoyable is quite time consuming as well. I could also take this space to reflect on where I am now: 2 years in Kuala Lumpur and in the job, just turned 33, a house owner, still single, trying out yoga, plus 10 pounds from 10 years ago, experiencing a world without Michael Jackson (RIP June 26, 2009), still a travel bug, and a romantic and idealist, and hoping that means something.

So I've decided to take it a step at a time, blogging what I can remember and thinking about what is to come. Lately because of recent events, its the way I've been living my life, just ploughing forward, looking for an unexpected twist that will make me smile. I hope it happens soon because the movements are getting a little repetitive and mind-numbing for me.

Don't worry, subsequent posts will be more upbeat. After all, there was still so much to savor from recent events.

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